Israel and Palestine One Year After the Massacre of October Seventh

A different leader would have saved the hostages, negotiating without bombs in favor of peace. Instead, Netanyahu has opted for destruction and genocide: and I agree with the governments of South Africa, Brazil, and others that genocide is what Israel is perpetrating in Gaza.

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Gaza Destroyed, Aid Workers Murdered: a Deliberate Israeli Strategy?

The evidence suggests that inside the Israeli State Apparatus, there are people who wish to destroy Gaza and use famine as one weapon of war. The killing of aid workers is a deliberate policy of these people, aiming to disrupt the flow of aid.

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Palestine: Longing for Peace and Justice

How can I stay silent when American bombs, dropped by Israeli planes, are flattening the city of Gaza and killing Palestinian children? Of course, the October 7th attack by Hamas on civilians dancing, or living in their houses, was horrendous. But the Jewish law “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” produces nothing but a world filled with blind and toothless people, all hating one another.

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War is never a win:  both sides always lose.

Associated Press (AP) reported May 17th that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy have agreed to separate meetings with a delegation of leaders from six African countries to discuss a possible plan to end the war in Ukraine, South Africa’s president said Tuesday.

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Nicholas Kristof: Peace Journalism versus American Warmongers

Keeping the peace is not what turns on military leaders. American generals have new weapons they are longing to try out on the battlefield. You should not be giving these people a platform, Mr Kristof. You should be talking to the Peace Makers, and providing a platform to people who seek to end the war.

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Ernst Friedrich Schumacher (1911 –1977) was a German-British statistician and economist who pushed for human-scale, decentralized and appropriate technologies. We live in a world that took the exact opposite route. Big operators are encouraged to swallow their rivals: this concentration of economic power being facilitated by the venal politicians that the corporations finance. Corporate consolidation has led to obscene concentrations of power.

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This war crime has been extensively reported by The New York Times, Al-Jazeera and other media. The question now arises whether the IDF will be sanctioned for a war crime, or whether NYT and AJ journalists will be arrested for revealing that a war crime was carried out by a close U.S. ally.

How will Israel and the U.S.A. respond to news reporting of this War Crime?

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UKRAINE THERE IS A BETTER WAY: A Europe Collective Security Alliance (ECSA)

Outside the Pentagon, the rest of us want peace and THERE IS A BETTER WAY: A Europe Collective Security Alliance (ECSA) offers stability to central Europe and recognition of Russia’s genuine and justified fears concerning the security of its frontiers.

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This UKRAINE Crisis was a George W. Bush Mistake

I am appalled by the non-stop, one-sided anti-Putin propaganda that the American and British media are throwing at us. These are the same people who pushed us to massacre tens of thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq and Syria. They created civil war in Libya and have destabilized the countries of the Sahara.

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Who makes money from Victoria Nuland?

One of the people who represents this American rush to perpetual war is Victoria Nuland, a person whose policy failures under Bush and Cheney and Obama make her uniquely unqualified for her current job as Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs in the State Department. Why are America’s political elites never held accountable for their failures? Is it because they work for unaccountable Globalist finance?

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Nobel Peace Laureat Archbishop Desmond Tutu left us a legacy of non-violent activism and restorative justice

Tutu emphasized that western justice tends to be retributive: punishment = vengeance for what was done wrong. “The African understanding, “ he wrote, ”is far more restorative: not so much to punish, as to redress or restore a balance that has been knocked askew.”

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A Conflict Management Typology for the European Union

What could I do to counter this ludicrous cycle of unending conflict? I decided to create an annex for my APF evaluation, to put on record what CONFLICT is really all about. Here it is: it contains an official EU definition of conflict management and prevention published it the referenced report. Please use it, dear reader! And please do not believe that violent conflict is permanent and unending. Peace is possible. Violence is not inevitable!

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