Posts tagged buffer state
UKRAINE THERE IS A BETTER WAY: A Europe Collective Security Alliance (ECSA)

Outside the Pentagon, the rest of us want peace and THERE IS A BETTER WAY: A Europe Collective Security Alliance (ECSA) offers stability to central Europe and recognition of Russia’s genuine and justified fears concerning the security of its frontiers.

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This UKRAINE Crisis was a George W. Bush Mistake

I am appalled by the non-stop, one-sided anti-Putin propaganda that the American and British media are throwing at us. These are the same people who pushed us to massacre tens of thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq and Syria. They created civil war in Libya and have destabilized the countries of the Sahara.

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Who makes money from Victoria Nuland?

One of the people who represents this American rush to perpetual war is Victoria Nuland, a person whose policy failures under Bush and Cheney and Obama make her uniquely unqualified for her current job as Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs in the State Department. Why are America’s political elites never held accountable for their failures? Is it because they work for unaccountable Globalist finance?

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