2021 The Limits of Democracy and the Postcolonial Nation State: Mali's democratic experiment falters, while jihad and terrorism grow in the Sahara. Poulton, Robin Edward and Rafaella Greco Tonegutti. (2016. Mellen Press: Lewiston NY & Lampeter, UK.) Second Edition, May 2021 on Amazon.
2021 in preparation/on hold Peoples of the Mali Empire - came out of my Osher courses at UR
2021 en préparation La Société civile, le capital social et la paix au Mali Deme, Kane, Maiga, Poulton à paraître (La Sahélienne avec l’Harmattan)
2021 in preparation Lacville Laughing and Loving in West Africa for Amazon.
2020 Sunjata – Children of the Mali Empire ~ Then and Now. Stories about Malian Children (some of whom grow up) Second Edition, February 2020 on Amazon
2019 Sister Cities: A story of friendship from Virginia to Mali. Richmond in America and Segou in West Africa: the first ten years of citizen diplomacy and international friendship: Brandylane, Richmond, VA
2019 Paroles sur les Crises au Mali et Les Limites de la Démocratie - Expériences et Analyses pour Favoriser la Paix. Bamako : La Sahélienne and Amazon.
2017 Sunjata – Children of the Mali Empire ~ Then and Now Stories about Malian Children (some of whom grow up) Kindle version for Teachers and Students of Africa and America’s West African Heritage
2013 Silenzio su Bamako. Il golpe del Mali e l'intervento armato, co-authors Raffaella Greco & Robin Poulton Rome: Eds Ruitini,
2013_ Briefing on Mali and the Sahara at http://murteza.tumblr.com/post/27429522375/briefing-on-mali-and-the-sahara
2011 Djita, a Malian girl from Virginia (French & English) second edition. AuthorHouse publications, Bloomington, Indiana.
2009 Djita, a Malian girl from Virginia (French & English) Virginia Friends of Mali, Richmond & Segou, Dec 2009
2006 Bound to cooperate – Conflict, Peace and People in Sierra Leone; written by leaders of civil society in Sierra Leone, second edition; co-edited with Anatole Ayissi UNIDIR, Geneva,
2006 The role of women for peace building in Somalia: lessons learned and strategies proposed Essay written with Ms Kawther Elmi: EPES Mandala Lessons Learned Series No 1
2003 (not yet published) Leila’s Love of Learning the story of a girl who wanted to go to school in Timbuktu - translated from the French/Bambara of El Haj Mamadou Haidara
2000 Bound to cooperate – Conflict, Peace and People in Sierra Leone written by leaders of civil society in Sierra Leone co-edited with Anatole Ayissi UNIDIR, Geneva,
1999 Collaboration internationale et construction de la paix en Afrique de l’Ouest: l’exemple du Mali UNIDIR, Geneva, co-authored with Ibrahim ag Youssouf and Jacqueline Seck
1999 La Paix de Tombouctou: gestion démocratique, développement et la construction d'une paix africaine 2ème édition française (réactualisée) avec préface de Kofi Annan, UNIDIR, Geneva, 1999
1998 A Peace of Timbuktu: democratic governance, development and African peacemaking, with a preface by Kofi Annan, UNIDIR, Geneva,: launched by the Secretary-General 17 March 1998 in Geneva; co-authored with Ibrahim ag Youssouf
1989 Femmes, Entreprises et Développements ACTES d'un séminaire UCI co-edited with Guy Bédard, Hallassy Sidibé. ASSCOD - Archives des sciences sociales du développement 1989 vol 1, Collège Coopératif, Paris et Université Coopérative Internationale Paris,
1983 Expériences coopératives de Bourem, Mali co-edited with Hallassy Sidibé, AMRAD et UCI, pour ACORD, mai 1983; Publication basé sur une cassette d’entretiens avec les coopérateurs, émanent d’un processus de recherche-action dans la Région de Gao (Mali); Association malienne de recherches-actions-développements (Bamako); Université Copérative Internationale (Paris); ONG ACORD (London)