Posts tagged EU
A Conflict Management Typology for the European Union

What could I do to counter this ludicrous cycle of unending conflict? I decided to create an annex for my APF evaluation, to put on record what CONFLICT is really all about. Here it is: it contains an official EU definition of conflict management and prevention published it the referenced report. Please use it, dear reader! And please do not believe that violent conflict is permanent and unending. Peace is possible. Violence is not inevitable!

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Conflict management and violence prevention

I decided to create an annex for my African Peace Facility (APF) evaluation, to put on record what CONFLICT is really all about. Here it is: this is now an official EU definition of conflict management and prevention published in the referenced report. Please use it, dear reader! And please do not believe that violent conflict is permanent and unending. Violence is not inevitable !

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How could the EU better support SALW management? (2009)

There is a general rule that, “Every illegal weapons began life as a legal weapon.” The main source of illegal weapons is government stockpiles: ‘leakage’ is the accepted euphemism, and it covers disappearances by theft (large-scale or individual pilfering), illegal sale across frontiers, diversion of legal imports to covert destinations, and even renting out government rifles for hunting or criminal use.

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