New Year Resolutions are good for us all. Here’s one from UNICEF :

Ne Jamais Frapper Une Femme


IL FAUT INSTRUIRE LES GARCONS à ne jamais taper une fille. Il ne suffit pas d'expliquer aux filles comment se protéger, ni aux femmes comment maquiller les blessures infligées par leur père/frère/copain ... NON!!! Le message de l'UNICEF est ceci: UN HOMME NE DOIT JAMAIS TAPER UNE FEMME. C'était la base de mon éducation à moi. Enseignez-la!


Catherine Leïla Poulton of UNICEF had an interview on BBC that was broadcast at Thanksgiving 2020: you can see her for 15 seconds (with other women) highlighting UNICEF’s package with BBC World News on gender-based violence (GBV) at home. The thrust of UNICEF's message on protecting girls against GBV is this: we must teach boys to respect girls. We train girls to avoid complicated situations; we teach them to disguise bruises inflicted by their out-of-control father or brother or boyfriend; but we do not insist on educating men not to hit women. It was a fundamental part of my education: a boy NEVER hits a girl. Many men have not accepted the message.

So tell your sons and grandsons: NEVER HIT A WOMAN.

Sister City Initiative in Ségou, Mali (with Richmond, Virginia, and Angoulême, France): a new Girls’ Protection Consortium

A Ségou on prépare d’appuyer une campagne des associations contre la violence domestique et basée sur le genre. Ce sera l’opportunité pour les associations de jumelage de Ségou et de Angoulême de collaborer ensemble.

Together with Angoulême, Ségou’s sister city in France, Richmond’s Virginia Friends of Mali and the Richmond Sister City Commission are planning to support a consortium of local associations to fight domestic and gender-based violence in Mali.


These are Ségou volunteers joining the ADPF campaign – an association led by women who will provide expertise for our expanded effort to create Malalai Clubs in the high schools and support for non-scolastic women and young mothers.

This is the photograph of meeting of NGO representatives in Ségou organized by our friend Madani Sissoko (in a blue shirt) to discuss the protection of girls.

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Réunion de représentants des ONGs à Ségou pour discuter de la protection des filles.

To learn more about this project, subscribe to the Richmond Chiwara, a monthly newsletter of the Virginia Friends of Mali, HERE or email: richmondchiwara@gmail.com