The mayor of Dodge City, Kan., announced her resignation Tuesday after getting death threats over the city's mask mandate.


NEWS SCOOP (Washington Post) 16 DEC 2020

The mayor of Dodge City, Kan., announced her resignation Tuesday after getting death threats over the city's mask mandate.

Well. all I can say is that, in Dodge City, THEY DON’T MAKE ‘EM LIKE THEY USED TO.

Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp

When I was a kid, Dodge City was on the TV every week, a pinnacle of Male Machoism in the Wild West where everyone wore s six-shooter. Two for preference. Wyatt Earp reigned supreme.

No one ever resigned.

Quite a few people got killed, but the series always returned the following week with no Dodge City wimps offering resignations.

And NEVER would the Dodge City TC series of 1950s and 1960s have considered appointing a woman as mayor.

More Seriously: the article continues as follows:

"The emails and voice mails to Dodge City, Kan., Mayor Joyce Warshaw began pouring in last month, after the city commission voted to require everyone in town to wear masks indoors.

Some anonymous messages told her that she was restricting civil liberties, Warshaw told The Washington Post. Others said she should go to jail over her vote.

Dodge City Mayor Joyce Warshaw resigned after receiving anonymous threats

Dodge City Mayor Joyce Warshaw resigned after receiving anonymous threats

But after the western Kansas city’s uphill battle against the coronavirus pandemic was highlighted in a USA Today feature Friday, the messages grew more frequent and aggressive: Burn in hell. Get murdered. One person simply wrote, “We’re coming for you.”

PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO WRITE THIS STUFF - it is disgusting! This is not “free speech” : it is hate speech and bullying. It should be banned.

Which is why I believe that Anonymous posting on Twitter and elsewhere is presently the biggest threat to democracy and dialogue in America.

If people are obliged to sign their threats and if they can be prosecuted, AND IF THEY ARE PROSECUTED, maybe American citizens and voters will use less violent language.

This is not ‘free speech’: it is hate speech and bullying. It should be banned.