Peace on U.N. Day - October 24, 2020


Professor Johan Galtung, the Norwegian ‘Father of Peace Studies’ celebrates his 90th birthday on United Nations Day 24/10/2020, the 75thanniversary of the United Nations. Two peace milestones. One of my first ‘outings’ with Michelle, my future wife, was to the UN's 25th Anniversary celebration with Her Majesty the Queen in Westminster Hall on 24/10/1970. We were senior leaders of the United Nations Student Association in those days, with seats in the second row and full view of the 'Beefeaters' who provide Her Majesty's personal guard.

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Happy Birthday to the U.N. and to Johan, with whom I had the pleasure to teach at the European Peace University in Austria. The Founder of the TRANSCEND network for peace journalism and Transcend University, Johan Galtung has been a mediator for conflicts in more than 150 countries; has written more than 1500 articles and book chapters and over 500 Editorials for the TRANSCEND Media Service; and 170 books on peace and related issues, of which more than 40 have been translated into other languages.

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I read the Transcend Media Service weekly email in order to obtain a different view of world affairs, looking not at the bullets that have been fired, but at the reasons for conflict and possible solutions for peace. Do you know anywhere else that has a section reserved for Nobel Peace Laureates to write? Sometimes I send my own comment to:

When we look around the world, it seems that peace is fragile. Yet if you visit the museum of the International Red Cross in Geneva, you quickly discover that our world is actually more peaceful today than at any time in the past 150 years. And fewer people are dying of hunger or disease. The 24-hour news cycle gives the wrong impression of reality. So The United Nations and Johan Galtung have made positive marks on our world, and we should give thanks.

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