Soyons heureux! Exprimez votre joie par la danse!
I have always told my children: “Scottish dancing is the summit of traditional country dance. For great dances: choose Scotland. But the Irish have the best parties.”
The Irish know how to enjoy themselves and create joy (which is part of ‘enjoy’)!
Les Ecossais ont les meilleures danses; mais les Irlandais organisent les meilleures fêtes. Les Celtes savent créer de la Joie. Les Américains sont en mal de Bonheur.
The New York Times tells us that Americans are joyless: Tish Harrison Warren (April 25th) reports a 2020 survey showing ‘happiness’ at an all-time low. Stress, competition, ambition and aggression dominate American society, leaving little space for Joy. After 30 days fasting during month of Ramadan, ending with Eid-el-Fitr, Muslims should be feeling Joyful in early May. Ramadan is a time of reflection, of generosity and solidarity with family, neighbors and the poor. Ramadan coïncided this year with Easter, and Joy should be infusing Christians too. Ms Warren (an Anglican priest) describes Easter as 50-days of joyful celebration leading up to Pentecost. “Now celebrate, she says: Now begin to notice what there is to be joyful about. Now pay attention to goodness.”
An expression of pure joy, and of exquisite grace.
Le mois de Ramadan musulman et la fête d’Eid, tout comme les 50 jours de Pâcques pour les Chrétiens, sont sources de joie pour les croyants. En Afrique la joie s’exprime par la danse. Mais dans les mosquées et les églises aux USA, je trouve la JOIE trop souvent remplacée par des jugements négatifs et la condamnation des autres. Le Parti Républicain - en principe imbu du christianisme - manque cruellement de joie! On y trouve plus de haine que de generosité ou d’amour.
I have spent much of my life working in Africa, where dance is an expression of Joy. I have also spent a lot of time in American churches and mosques, where I seldom see much expression of ‘JOY’ – indeed a lot of American religion has become dour and censorious. The Republican Party claims Christian ideals, but where is the Joy in their politics? There is more hatred, than love or generosity. But Dance = Joy. Since I believe in promoting “the greatest happiness of the greatest number,” I preach dance.
Pour trouver la JOIE, il n’y a pas mieux que la danse. Une stratégie pour promouvoir “le plus grand Bonheur du plus grand nombre” est prêcher la danse. Si je souris tout le temps quand je danse, c’est parce que la musique et les mouvements me transportent aux Cieux.
I urge you to dance! My friend Roland Telle was telling the dancers in his RSCDS class to smile when they dance; “I don’t mean you, Robin: you smile all the time!” He’s right, and that is because music leads me to dancing, and the combination transports me to a state of heavenly joy. Give me beautiful music, a good partner and a decent set of dancers, and dance movements lift me to Paradise. As I dance, I lose Mass, like an Angel. My wife says I’m a wee bit overweight (all wives say the same), but I am weightless when I dance. I have no need of a Jeff Bezos rocket; all I need is Strathspey music or a beautiful Waltz …. and a beautiful partner to dance with, of course. When they dance well, all women become beautiful. Dancers are Angels.